Saturday, July 16, 2005


Beckoning silence ....deep space
Overarching, permeating deep Blue..
I gaze into your plumbless depths
In the inky dark night speckled by shining diamond stars
scattered liberally everywhere.

The feeble sounds of wind chimes
from a nearby house reach my ears, deepen the silence
gentle breeze swish-swashing palm-tree branches,
A rhythm I detect in the far off stars
Is it the rhythm of their twinkle?
Ahh, it's the sound of my own heartbeat!
such synchrony! Beautiful harmony...
Mouth open... in wonder I look above
waiting to taste the emptiness
waiting for an unseen Hand
to pour a few drops of its essence
down my thirsty throat.

What would be the taste of Silence.... I wonder
Only Emptiness beyond can grant me the taste...
When will it happen ... ??? No idea
But till then, I painstakingly stand straining my neck...
gaping at Infinite Nothing
No hopelessness
But waiting, every night....
maybe This night is the night
maybe This is the moment,
Who knows!

----------- Inspired by the life of Gurudev and Osho

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